ReadMe file for egcode/wimp/old: Note that all this is actually obsolete (Toolbox Rules [OK]) but is supplied here to aid maintenance of historical code. 3dworkrnd.arc: C source workaround for the slabbed icon fault in RISC OS 3.10 capture.arc C source, using RISC_OSLib, for grabbing and manipulating sprites. coloursel.arc C source to drive the colour Selector module in RISC OS 3.1x. drageg.arc: C source showing implementation of drag boxes. drawdisp.arc: C source to load and render Drawfiles in a resizable window fontseg.arc: Skeleton C app illustrating how to make calls to RISC_OSLib. fontwin.arc: C source to produce assorted fancy fonting effects in a resizable window. paneeg.arc: C source to display one window as a pane to another. It's easier with the Toolbox example, folks! ploticon.arc: C source to plot icons on screen. popup: Uncompressed source which details how to "fake" a menu_pressed event when a user select-clicks over a "pop-up menu" icon. printspr.arc C source (with some BASIC addenda to perform the same job) which will print sprites via the !Printers API. rectwin.arc: C source which displays some bitmapped rectangles in a scrollable, resizable window. spritewin.arc: C source to display one or more sprites in a resizable window sp_change.arc: C source to detect when an icon is clicked over, and change the icon sprite accordingly. sysfontwin.arc: C source to display system font text in a window; illustrates text colour effects. txtprint.arc: C source which implements a text window and allows its contents to be hardcopied via the !Printers API.