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Filing Systems - FileCore


No more 10 character filename limit

No more 77 files limit

Improved space efficiency

Backwards compatible

Filing Systems - FileCore

File Name Length

On 'new format' discs, up to 255 characters

Requires reformat of discs

Conversion possible, but not implemented

On old discs, 10 character limit remains

Any FileCore FS can support it; no driver change needed

Transparent to applications

Filing Systems - FileCore

New directory format

Variable size of entries

Variable size of directories

Directories grow as needed

No driver change needed

Transparent to applications

Filing Systems - FileCore

Increased map size

Maximum idlen increased from 15 to 19

Requires reformat of discs

Conversion would be tricky

Dramatically improves space efficiency (smaller LFAU)

Any FileCore FS can support it; no driver change needed

Transparent to applications

Filing Systems - FileCore

Floppy formats

E+ and F+ format give long filenames

No extra space used on empty discs

No change in LFAU for floppies

DOS formats etc supported as before

E and F format still supported

D format deprecated, but should still work

Filing Systems - Filer

General improvements

Automatic truncation of names in Filer windows

Alt-click renaming of files

'Confirm deletes' option

'Faster' now an option

Filing Systems - FileSwitch

Upgraded for Long Filenames

Truncates names in *cat, *info, *fileinfo and *ex

Defaults to width of screen

System variable FileSwitch$NameWidth controls truncation

*copy improved (doesn't claim free pool any more)

Better in Task Windows

Multiple simultaneous *copies now work well

Filing Systems - RAMFS

Upgraded for Long Filenames

Supports new format RAM disc

Now uses FileCore_LayoutStructure

Multi-zone RAM discs supported (results in smaller LFAU)

Can support >16M RAM discs (upto 256M)

Filing Systems - CDFS


Implemented in C

Complete redesign and rewrite

New, improved API

Broader range of CD standards supported

Type mapping system can be extended

Filing Systems - CDFS Filing Systems - CDFS

CD Standards

Red Book (Audio CDs)

Yellow Book (Data CDs)

ISO 9660/High Sierra

CD-ROM/XA and Green Book (CD-I)

Orange Book

Filing Systems - CDFS

Backwards Compatability

Filing system use should be compatible

However, some old SWIs and *commands no longer present

Backwards compatability module exists for old drivers

But all new software should use new API

Most applications should have no problems