'Caradon' Dialler module and '!Sennen' support application


    Project:      Modem dialler
    Issue:        0.01
    Author(s):    Anthony Frost
    Date:         07-Aug-96
    Last Issue:   None



	0.01 AJF 07-Aug-96 First created.

Outstanding issues

There are no outstanding issues.


This document contains the software functional specification for the Caradon dialler module and !Sennen support application included in the Modem ROM of the Network Computer Model 1. Italicised text is used where issues are still to be decided or where contents are liable to change.

Technical background

Caradon and !Sennen have been written to provide the control of screen display and start-up operations as described in the NC Start-up Software Functional Specification via the NCFresco Web Browser.

User interface

Neither component has a user interface as such, NCFresco is used to display HTML pages described in the NC Start-up Software Functional Specification.

Programmer interface

If compiled without the "-DREALSYSTEM" compiler option, !Sennen uses Ctrl-F8 to emulate a smartcard being inserted and withdrawn from an NC. Ctrl-F9 can be used to simulate an incorrect card being inserted. Typing 'X' twice in rapid succession kills both !Sennen and !NCFresco, exiting to either the Desktop or '*' prompt depending on the initial environment.

!Sennen watches for the system variable Sennen$NewPage being created, and if found the contents are passed as a URL to !NCFresco via the wimp message "Message_OpenURL". Note that only the simple form of this message is supported by !Sennen, and the URL must therefore be under 236 characters long.

On a regular basis (currently once per second) !Sennen checks through the stack of open windows and attempts to pass the input focus to the topmost open window. This allows the continued use of keyboard shortcuts after a transient program returns control to its caller.

Caradon interacts with !Sennen by means of a number of star commands. Use of these by other applications may be fraught with peril and is not generally recommended!

Restart the dialling process. If issued on its own, or with a zero as its parameter, the redial will take place immediately. With a '1' as the parameter a hangup sequence will take place first.
Manipulates the modem control lines to hangup the line, also issuing a "PPPDisconnect" command if the system appears to be on line already.
Pause for 5 seconds. Now redundant and likely to be removed in future versions. Do not use.
Internal use only. Called by the PPP module running "IP-Up" as the IP layer starts. Causes Caradon to issue service call 0xB4 (Service_DiallerStatus) with R2=4, and also on a first dial to set the Home URL and logon to an NFS server and boot from it if required
Internal use only. Called by the PPP module running "IP-Down" as the IP layer stops. Causes Caradon to issue service call 0xB4 (Service_DiallerStatus) with R2=0.
Equivalent to "*Redial 0".
Write fields back to the Smart Card from a form. Allowable form tags are "num" for the PSTN number field, "name" for the Login ID, "pass" for the Login password, "code" for a registry authentication operation, and "code1" and "code2" to change the card authentication string. See the Registry specification and Smart Card documentation for further details of these fields.
Internal use only. Creates the files needed by various modules and applications from information stored on a Smart Card.

External dependencies

NCFresco, NC Start-up Software Functional Specification, Smart card documentation, Registry specification.

Test definition

To be determined.

Product organisation

The project consists of a module and small support application, the sources will be stored in a build tree for the modem card ROM.

Future enhancements

None planned at present.