ReplaySupport Functional Specification


    Project:      Browser
    Issue:        0.01
    Author(s):    Simon Middleton
    Date:         10-05-96
    Last Issue:   None



        0.01 SJM 10-May-96 First created.

Outstanding issues


ReplaySupport is a module that was originally shipped (in version 0.04) with ARPlayer. It provided four SWIs to allow ARPlayer to do button pressing and time bar updating under callback from Replay and one command which allows ARPlayer to check which version of Replay it is running with. These calls are documented below in the programmer interface.

ReplaySupport was extended as part of the Minnie2 project to provide a number of other facilities for reading information from Replay files. It was intended that all the functionality necessary to interrogate a movie in the way that ARPlayer does will be incorporated into the module. It also provided routines to load Replay sound drivers and attach buffer fill routines to them. A fair amount of application support is still required but the key code for playing sound files under interrupts is be included in the module.

There exists a DefMod definition file for the structures and SWIs. That file should be taken as the definitive documentation for the interface as it is used in the building of the module and ARPlayer.

Technical background

User interface

ReplaySupport has no user interface.

Programmer interface

On exit, if V is set then R0 points to a standard error block. If V is clear then R0 will be corrupted.

All registers not specifically mentioned will be preserved.

SWI Replay_RegisterSprites (0x48B00)

    On entry:
        R0 -> sprite area containing buttons
        R1 -> array of offsets in bytes from screen base of buttons
        R2 -> array of sprite names
        R3 = initial button state word
            bit 0: 1 = Paused, 0 = Playing
            bit 1: 1 = Muted, 0 = Unmuted
    On exit:
        R0 -> address of update routine

This routine copies the given sprites into the RMA and returns a pointer to a routine to pass to Player via the -mouse parameter. It will then respond to the callbacks from Player to press and unpress the buttons appropriately.

It should be called immediately before calling Player if button control is desired. If any sprites are already registered then they will be freed first.

The sprites must be pre-processed in the following way:

Note that even though 16 bit sprites are not allowed to have lefthand wastage in this case they may have as no OS routines are used to plot the sprites.

The button controls available are


The sprites can be in any order in the sprite area but their names should be presented in the above order, in the array pointed to by R2. The 4 unpressed varieties should be followed by the 4 pressed versions.

eg for the standard set of buttons in !ARMovie.Sprites :-

static char *sprite_names[] =
{   "pause",  "exit",  "single",  "loud",
    "ppause", "pexit", "psingle", "mute"

R1 points to an array (in the same order as the sprite names) of the positions of the top left hand corners of the sprites. The values given should be the offset in bytes from the start of the screen. Note that obviously the values for sprites 5-8 will be the same as for 1-4, however an array of 8 values must still be given.

If -1 is given for any sprite then it is assumed to be off screen and button changes relating to it will be ignored.

If there are no errors on exit then R0 contains the address of the routine to pass to Player in the form

        "-mouse %d", R0

Note that the address must be passed as a decimal value.

SWI Replay_DeRegisterSprites (0x48B01)

    On entry:   none
    On exit:    none

This routine will free up the memory used for the sprites copied in by Replay_RegisterSprites. It should be called after Player returns but it can be called many times without harm.

SWI Replay_TimebarPaintAddress (0x48B02)

    On entry:
        R0 = PixelsPerFrame
        R1 = TimebarAddress
        R2 = TimebarHeight
        R3 = FGColour
        R4 = BGColour
        R5 = log2bpp for routine wanted
        R0 = -1
        R1 -> Info block
            +0:     PixelsPerFrame
            +4:     TimebarAddress
            +8:     TimebarHeight
            +12:    FGColour
            +16:    BGColour
            +20:    log2bpp for routine wanted
            +24:    TimebarWidth
    On exit:    
        R0 = 0 or address of time bar paint routine

This SWI configures the time bar paint routine and passes back the address which should be passed to Player as

        "-paint %d", R0

Note that R0 may be 0 if no paint routine is available for the current screen mode. Currently all display depths are supported except 1 and 2 bits.

There are two calling methods for this SWI, the original method passed all values in SWI's. A new method was introduced in version 0.17 to allow extra parameters to be passed.

PixelsPerFrame is the number of pixels covered by one frame. It is a 20.12 fixed point value. ie it can be calculated as :-

    (TimebarWidthInPixels >> 12) * RateAdjustment / NumFramesInMovie

RateAdjustment is what is passed in the -speed argument to Player.

TimebarAddress is the address of the top left corner of the time bar. The value is the offset in bytes from the screen base address. Note that you should be careful with the positioning of the time bar's left hand side as in 4bpp modes a byte cannot represent any position on screen.

TimebarHeight is the height of the time bar in screen lines.

FGColour is the colour of the time bar. It should be in colour number format as returned by ColourTrans_ReturnColourNumber.

BGColour is the colour of the time bar background. It should be in colour number format as returned by ColourTrans_ReturnColourNumber.

log2bpp is the value for the current screen mode. Currently supported values are 2,3,4 and 5. Other values will mean R0 returns 0.

TimebarWidth is the width in pixels. The calculated values in the update routine are checked against this value so as to avoid painting over any other part of the screen.

SWI Replay_Version (0x48B03)

    On entry:   
    On exit:    
        R0 = ARMovie version

This SWI gets the value of the ARMovie$Version system variable and decodes it into a decimal number. It returns the version number * 100 thus version 0.34 will be returned as 34.

SWI Replay_ReadFileHeader (0x48B04)

    On entry:   
        R0 = flags
            bits 0-3:   open type 
                        0 = R1 points to a file name
                        1 = R1 points to a file handle
                        2 = R1 points to a buffer
                        3-15: reserved
            bit 4:      1 = return textual data
            bit 5:      1 = return sound track info
            bit 6:      1 = return chunk catalogue info
            bit 7:      1 = return sprite, 0 return sprite area
            bit 8:      1 = read palette in 4 byte format
                        0 = read palette in 3 byte format
            bit 9:      1 = calculate real number of frames
            bit 10:     1 = calculate real bit rate of audio
            bit 11:     1 = return pointers
                        0 = return offsets
            bits 12-31: reserved
        R1 -> file handle, file name, or buffer according to bits 0-3
        R2 -> buffer for header info (or 0)
        R3 = size of header info buffer
        R4 -> helpful sprite buffer (or 0)
        R5 = size of helpful sprite buffer
        R6 -> palette buffer (or 0)
        R7 = size of palette buffer
    On exit:    
        R3 = size needed for header info
        R5 = size needed for helpful sprite
        R7 = size needed for palette

buffers filled in where non zero buffer ptrs given.

If R0 bit 4 is set then the textual data (the three information lines and the MPEG indirected filename) will be written to the buffer after all other data. If it is clear then the appropriate offset words will be zero. This bit also controls whether any other variable size data (other than the sound tracks and catalogue chunks) is read.

If R0 bit 5 is set then the sound track info will be written out to the header buffer immediately after the main header info.

If R0 bit 6 is set then the chunk catalogue array will be written out to the header info buffer after the sound track info and before the strings.

If R0 bit 7 is clear then the whole sprite file as embedded in the ARMovie file will be read. If this bit is set then the first 12 bytes (the sprite area header) will be skipped and only the individual sprite will be read (from the start of the sprite header).

If the size of the palette buffer is returned as 0 then there is no palette associated with this file. The palette is stored in the file as a packed 3 bytes per entry. If R0 bit 8 is set then this will be expanded on loading into ColourTrans format (ie 1 word per entry 0xBBGGRR00).

If R0 bit 9 is clear then the number of frames in the header is calculated from the number of chunks * frames per chunk. If it is set then the DecompX.Info file is loaded and if the format is uncompressed the real number of frames is calculated.

The number of chunks in the structure is the real number of chunks, not the number - 1 as is actually stored in the file.

If R0 bit 10 is set then the SoundX.Info file is read.

If R0 bit 11 is clear then the 'offset's in this structure are offsets from the start of the structure to the start of the data. If the bit is set then they are real pointers into the buffer.

        +0      word            fixed header size (before variable length parameters)
        +4      word            flags
                    bit 1:      offsets have been relocated (ie are real pointers)
                    bits 1-31:  reserved

        +8      offset          description
        +12     offset          date and copyright 
        +16     offset          author

        +20     word            video type
        +24     offset          indirected filename (for types 12 and 15)

        +28     offset          colour space
        +32     word            xsize
        +36     word            ysize
        +40     word            bits per pixel

        +44     word            frames per chunk
        +48     word            number of chunks
        +52     word            size of a catalogue chunk

        +56     word            number of frames
        +60     word            frames per second (16.16 fixed point)

        +64     word            start timecode
        +68     word            base timecode

        +72     word            catalogue offset
        +76     word            catalogue size
        +80     word            sprite offset
        +84     word            sprite size
        +88     word            key frame offset
        +92     word            palette offset
        +96     word            offset of end of textual header

        +100    word            max even chunk size
        +104    word            max odd chunk size

        +108    word            number of sound tracks
        +112    word            size of a sound track info block
        +116    offset     	video parameters
        +120    offset     	catalogue chunks
        +124    offset     	sound tracks
        +128    offset     	fetcher name
        ...     any extra parameters

        ...     array           sound track info
        ...     array           catalogue info
        ...     bytes           video parameters
        ...     bytes           string data

Sound track info (32 bytes)

        +0      word            flags
                        bit 0:  1 = Reversed stereo (RL), 0 = LR
                        bits 1-31: reserved
        +4      word            sound type
                        1 = standard audio
                        2 = indirected audio
                        other values reserved
        +8      word            sample rate (22.10 fixed point - ie 1/1024Hz)
        +12     byte            number of channels
        +13     byte            bits per sample
        +14     byte            sample period (if specified that way)
        +15     byte            bits per sample data decompresses to
        +16     word            maximum size of sound chunk for this track
        +20     string[11]      sound file name (nul terminated)
                    If sound format is 1 then one of
                    If sound format is 2 then it is the sound name
                    stored in the header, eg

If the sample rate was expressed as a period (ie was less than 256) then this value is stored at +14 in the structure and the actual sample rate calculated from it. If a rate was specified in the first place then the value stored at +14 will be 0.

Catalogue chunk info
        +0      word    file offset of video chunk
        +4      word    size of video chunk
        +8      word    size of sound chunk for track 1
        +12     word    size of sound chunk for track 2

All sizes are in bytes.


In the above table an 'offset' type means that data is stored after the end of the structure at 'offset' bytes from the start of the structure unless the relocated bit is set in the flags.

The first word of the structure gives the amount of fixed information returned (which may be greater than the client application knows about).

SWI Replay_ReadVideoCodecInfo (0x48B05)

Read and decode the DecompX.Info file.

    On entry:   
        R0 = flags
            bits 0-3: reserved
            bit 4:    1 = return textual data
            bits 5-7: reserved
            bit 8:    always set to 1
            bits 9-31: reserved
        R1 = video type
        R2 -> video name
        R3 -> buffer for info
        R4 = size of info buffer
    On exit:    
        R3 = size needed for info

buffers filled in where non zero buffer ptrs given.

Note an older form of this call had bit 8 clear and didn't pass the video name in R2.

Video codec info

        +0      word            flags
                bit 0:  set means codec uses inter-frame compression
        +4      word            size of info
        +12     string offset   description
        +16     string offset   author
        +20     word            encoded bits per pixel (0 if intra-frame compression used)
        +24     word            width increment
        +28     word            minimum width supported
        +32     word            maximum width supported
        +36     word            height increment
        +40     word            minimum height supported
        +44     word            maximum height supported
        +48     word            number of colour spaces supported
        ...     string offset array     array of colour space offsets
        ...     bytes           colour space names


If bit 4 of R0 is set on input then the colour space line of the info file will be read and decoded. Immediately following the fixed data (ie at the offset given by the word at +4) will be an array of string offsets. These offsets will point to the names of the colour spaces supported by this codec. If bit 4 of R0 is clear then the number of colour spaces supported will still be filled in.

SWI Replay_ReadSoundCodecInfo (0x48B06)

Read and decode the <sound>.Info file.

    On entry:   
        R0 = flags
            bits 0-31 reserved
        R1 = sound type (must be 2 currently)
        R2 -> sound file name
        R3 -> buffer for info
        R4 = size of info buffer

    On exit:    
        R4 = size needed for info

buffers filled in where non zero buffer ptrs given

Sound codec info

        +0      word            flags
                bit 0:  sound data is seekable
                bit 1:  set means compression ratio is variable
                        clear means compression ratio is fixed
        +4      word            size of info
        +12     string offset   description
        +16     string offset   author
        +20     word            buffer size multiplier (bits)
        +24     word            max sample size (bits 16.16 precision)
        +28     word            per channel overhead (bytes)


Read information from the sound codec information file.

SWI Replay_SoundCode (0x48B07)

Perform various operations on the sound playback code.

    On entry:   
        R0 = flags
            bits 0-7:   reason code
            bits 8-31:  reason code dependant
        R2-R9 reason code dependant

This call provides the functionality necessary for ARPlayer to play Replay and other sound files back under interrupts, as such is is not as fully specified as it might be for general playback.

Load (0)

Load a sound file ready for use, a call to load must be followed by a call to Unload at some point.

    On entry:   
        R1 = sound type
        R2 -> sound name
        R3 = number of channels
    On exit:    
        R0 -> sound code info block

Sound type is a replay sound type (ie currently 1 or 2).

Sound name is the name of the sound code file (as given by Replay_ReadFileHeader),ie SoundS8, SoundU8, SoundE8, SoundS16 for a type 1 file or the directory name for a type 2 file.

Unload (1)

Mark a playback file as being unwanted. May result in memory being freed

    On entry:   
        R1 -> sound code info block
        R1 = 0 to discard unused code files

Depending on how many files have been loaded it may or may not be actually be unloaded and the memory freed. Call with R1 = 0 to force the module to discard any files that are not actually in use.

Attach buffers (2)

Register playback and decompression buffers with a sound code file.

    On entry:   
        R1 -> sound code info block
        R2 -> sound buffer
        R3 = file buffer size
        R4 = build buffer size
        R5 = hardware buffer size

The sound buffer pointed to by R2 must be as big as to 'word-align(R3) + R4 + 2*R5'.

The sound loader code will load data into the file buffer, translate it into the build buffer and register the hardware buffer with the sound driver.

Detach buffers (3)

    On entry:   
        R1 -> sound code info block

Attach sound file loader (4)

Start playing a sound file (details as returned by the SoundFile module).

    On entry:   
        R1 -> sound code info block
        R2 -> SoundFile format block
        R3 = file handle

Attach replay file loader (5)

Start playing a Replay sound file (details as returned by Replay_ReadFileHeader).

    On entry:   
        R1 -> sound code info block
        R2 -> Replay_Header
        R3 = sound track
        R4 = file handle

Detach loader (6)

    On entry:   
        R1 -> sound code info block

Set state (7)

    On entry:   
        R1 -> sound code info block
        R2 = start sample
        R3 = end sample
        R4 = n times to play

Call before attaching a loader to set the start time.

Get state (8)

    On entry:   
        R1 -> sound code info block
    On exit:    
        R0 = current sample
        R1 = n times played

Set action (9)

    On entry:   
        R1 -> sound code info block
        R2 = action code
            0 = Pause at given sample number
            other values reserved
        R3 = sample number

Replay_ReadAccessInfo (0x48B08)

Look up the given file name in the media access info file.

    On entry:   
        R0 = flags
            bits 0-31:  reason code dependant
        R1 -> file name
        R2 -> buffer file access info
        R3 = size of buffer
    On exit:    
        R3 = size of buffer needed

Access info

        +0      word    size of info block
        +4      word    flags
                        bits 0-31: reserved
        +8      word    access method
                        see !ARMovie.Documents.ProgIf#Access for details
        +12     word    latency (a 16.16 value in seconds)


This SWI is actually compiled out of the current version of the module to save on space as it is not used by ARPlayer.

CLI commands

    *ReplayCheckVer >version< >command<

ReplayCheckVer checks the version number of the ARMovie resources against the version given and executes the command if they are out of date.

It is identical in concept to RMEnsure and can be used in the same way.

Data formats

Acorn Replay file format.

External dependencies


Product organisation

The module build is intergrated into the NC build tree and can be ROMmed.

Future enhancements

Support for the rest of the Replay API - a moving target.