Contains: !REALTIME
The !REALTIME programs explore new ways of interacting with the computer. They will only run on the RiscPC.
FACE shows how what can be done in real time to give the computer quite literally a more human face. How would it feel to talk to a computer that had a real personality?
LANDSCAP gives you the chance to experiment with what it feels like to move around in a 3D space under mouse control. This application also demonstrates the graphics power of the risc processor, as all the images are generated in real time as you move through space. While you are moving around think about why a "desktop" has to be 2 dimensional when we all live in a 3 dimensional world.
Clan Disc No. 5a (238K)
Clan Disc No. 5b (205K)
RISC OS Prototypes
Contains: !DiscMan, !Draw, !edit, !IconBar, !NewFiler, !Paint, !Pinboard, !PrintNew, !PrintSet, !Recycler & !TaskMan
How can we make RISC OS even easier?
DISCMAN a disc manager application, which was to facilitate the formatting, verifying and backing up of floppy discs. The idea is to remove the options from the filing system icons on the icon bar menus and have a separate application instead.
ICONBAR shows an example of the icon bar, with double-clicks instead of single-clicks on applications and filing system icons.
NEWFILER shows a new filing system icon bar, menus and the new filer menu. Includes things like Alt-Select for file renaming by direct manipulation.
PINBOARD shows a new pinboard menu.
RECYCLER shows a Recycler/Trash can in operation. This works reasonably well, although not all of the functionality is there.
EDIT shows a new design Save As box in operation, together with a redesigned menu system.
TASKMAN shows a new Task Manager menu and Task Display window.
DRAW shows redesigned menus
PAINT shows select opening the window directly, and redesigned menus
PRINTERS two different prototypes for the new !Printers. The idea is to separate Printers into two parts. PrintSet is the installation part of !Printers, while PrintNew is the printing part of !Printers.
Contains: !ResEd, !ResTest, !Hyper & !Demo
This disc contains a special version of the Toolbox suite that comes with Acorn C/C++ release 5. Included are ResEd (the resource editor) and ResTest (to test the user interface that you create). These are fully working versions except that ResEd will not allow you to save edited resource files; you can, however, drag resources or groups of resources directly from ResEd to the ResTest application. Together they will allow you to use the new toolbox modules to create and model a new user interface in a matter of a few minutes.
This is a demonstration of some possible elements of a new user environment. It will only run on the Risc PC as it makes use of the new graphics capabilities.
The room here represents a virtual office, and you can fly around using the mouse. There are three active objects, two information resources rendered as tapestries on the bookshelf, and a computer on the desktop. The mouse controls the flight.
This disc contains: