Acorn Computers Hits the Right Note - Sponsors Concerts for Children

Cambridge, UK. 29 June 1994

Acorn Computers, the Cambridge-based supplier of computers for education and the home, has announced that it will again be sponsoring the popular series of 'Concerts for Children' run by Mari Markus Gomori in the Cambridge area. Founded five years ago, the concert series began with help from Acorn Computers and now provides thousands of young children with their first introduction to live, classical music in a fun and accessible atmosphere.

Peter Talbot, General Manager UK Education at Acorn Computers, comments: "We are delighted to continue our partnership with Concerts for Children. We recognise that Mari's approach to involving children in music and her commitment to understanding their needs, mirrors our own. In the same way that she can make a trip to a classical concert a fun adventure for children, so we engage children's natural interest in computers and enable them to channel that enthusiasm in a positive and enjoyable way."

The Acorn-sponsored concert will take place at University Concert Hall, West Road, Cambridge on Sunday July 3rd. Tickets can be purchased prior to the concert from the Corn Exchange Box Office (0223 357851), at £7.00 for adults and £5.00 for children. During the interval Acorn will be providing an interactive hands-on demonstration of the latest musical software for computers at home and in school.

Founded in 1978, with 1993 revenues of £54.3m, Acorn Computers is the premier supplier of IT solutions to UK education and has been the leading provider of 32-bit RISC based personal computers since 1987. In 1990, Acorn established an associate company, Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) in a joint venture with Apple Computer and VLSI Technology Inc to develop and exploit further Acorn's RISC processor technology. Acorn works closely with a strong community of other industry partners, users and software developers to provide innovative technology solutions for the education, consumer, publishing and international markets. Acorn Computers Limited is part of the Acorn Computer Group plc, which went public on the USM in 1983.

© 1995 Acorn Computer Group plc.
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