Parents Can Give Children A Head Start In Education with Acorn's New Electronic Pocket Book

Cambridge, UK. 18 August, 1994

Acorn Computers, the leading supplier of computers to UK schools, is helping parents to boost their children's education with a low-cost, electronic 'exercise book', called the Acorn Pocket Book. Light and strong enough to be carried safely and easily in a school bag or blazer pocket, the Pocket Book computer, which is already used extensively by UK schools, can be used for schoolwork at home, in the classroom and on field trips to help improve learning for children of all ages, across all subjects in the National Curriculum.

Because of its size and neat design, the Acorn Pocket Book is very easy and attractive to use, regardless of how familiar you are with computers. This may be one of the reasons that girls are as willing as boys to accept and use Pocket Books - it also makes them a lot easier to store at home! With prices starting at £169.95, the Pocket Book is an affordable way for parents to make a positive impact on their child's education, satisfy their child's demands for their own computer, and increase the whole family's interest and confidence in computers.

Peter Talbot, General Manager, UK Education at Acorn Computers, explains:

"In the future all schoolchildren from five to eighteen are likely to have their own Pocket Book, or similar small computer, in the same way as calculators are now almost universal. Many schools have already bought Pocket Books for their pupils, but they are still a long way from the ideal of 'one per child'. By buying an Acorn Pocket Book for the start of the new term, parents can give their child a real head start in their school career."

"One particular benefit of the Acorn Pocket Book is the link it provides between learning at school and at home. Parents can see at first hand how children use computers for more than just games and children are encouraged to try even harder when they see their parents are enthusiastic about what they can do with technology. Once you see what kids can do and what the Pocket Book is capable of you may even want to borrow it yourself!"

The Acorn Pocket Book is an electronic 'exercise book'. Smaller than an average paper-back book, the Pocket Book has its own screen and keyboard, enclosed in a strong case. Powered by long-lasting batteries, the Pocket Book comes with a word processor, spreadsheet, database, diary, calculator, spellchecker, thesaurus, clock and alarm and can easily be connected to printers and to Acorn, PC and Apple computers allowing information to be moved from one computer to another.

A host of additional applications are also available, including: drawing & painting, personal organiser, personal accounts & expenses, telephone call coster, adventure and sports games titles, sales and business contact system, bank account management, Berlitz interpreter, health & nutrition and systems to calculate child support payments & welfare benefits.

An enhanced range of Pocket Books will be available in September, with the original Acorn Pocket Book priced at £169.95. The new Pocket Book II, which has a larger screen, more built-in software and more power and memory, is priced at £229.74, while the top of the range model is priced at £280.81. All prices exclude VAT. Acorn Pocket Books are available from all authorised Acorn dealers. For details of your local Acorn dealer please call 0223 254254.

Founded in 1978, with 1993 revenues of £54.3m, Acorn Computers is the premier supplier of IT solutions to UK education and has been the leading provider of 32-bit RISC based personal computers since 1987. Acorn works closely with a strong community of industry partners, users and software developers to provide innovative technology solutions for the education, consumer, publishing and international markets.

The Acorn Computer Group is a holding company for Acorn Computers Limited, Acorn Australia, Acorn New Zealand, Acorn GmbH and Online Media. Acorn Computer Group owns 43% of ARM Ltd. Online Media, a division of the Acorn Computer Group, was launched in 1994 with the mission to design world class, interactive multimedia products.

© 1995 Acorn Computer Group plc.