Research Reveals Need for Continued Investment in Educational IT

One computer shared by more than 18 children in average primary school

Cambridge, UK. 5 September, 1994

Acorn Computers, the leading supplier of computers to UK education, has released research which reveals startling figures on the number of children sharing computers in schools. The research, carried out amongst a sample of 610 IT coordinators in schools across the UK, shows that many children are unable to gain easy access to computer equipment in British schools.

In the primary sector, schools have an average of 10.7 computers each, independent schools have 32.7, while the secondary sector has an average of 76.2 computers per school. When asked how many pupils had to share each computer, the schools' responses showed that primary schools managed with one machine per 18.5 children, while secondary and independent schools registered 9.5 and 7.3 respectively.

Peter Talbot, General Manager UK Education at Acorn Computers, comments:

"Although British education has really led in the uptake of technology in schools, this research suggests there is still along way to go. We must ensure that UK education continues to develop our children's computer and communications capabilities for life in the IT-rich future. That is, computers must be accessible to all children to enhance traditional learning across the entire curriculum with these new literacy skills. This research is part of Acorn's wider initiative to work with education and industry partners to develop this 'New Literacy' in Britain's schools."
Acorn also surveyed the sample to find out which factors most strongly influenced the schools' choice of computer. In primary schools, 93% felt value for money and 92% ease of use were the most important issues when choosing a computer. In secondary schools, value for money (81%) and ease of use (80%) were also cited as key issues.

As many schools begin to explore the benefits of multimedia, the research also revealed how 93% of secondary schools and 54% of independent schools now have CD ROM drives. It appears though that primary schools have not adopted multimedia technology so readily with only 18% having CD ROMs. It is expected that research in 1994/5 will show this figure to have grown significantly following the success of the Department for Education's CD ROMs in Primary Initiative Scheme which provided primary schools with £4.5 million funding.

Source: The survey was commissioned by Acorn and carried out by the independent market research company RS&M. A sample of 610 IT co-ordinators in schools across the UK took part in the telephone survey throughout January 1994.

Founded in 1978, with 1993 revenues of £54.3m, Acorn Computers is the premier supplier of IT solutions to UK education and has been the leading provider of 32-bit RISC based personal computers since 1987. Acorn works closely with a strong community of industry partners, users and software developers to provide innovative technology solutions for the education, consumer, publishing and international markets.

The Acorn Computer Group is a holding company for Acorn Computers Limited, Acorn Australia, Acorn New Zealand, Acorn GmbH and Online Media. Acorn Computer Group owns 43% of ARM Ltd. Online Media, a division of the Acorn Computer Group, was launched in 1994 with the mission to design world class, interactive multimedia products.

Notes to Editors:

Acorn began driving the New Literacy debate in UK education with the announcement of the New Literacy initiative in January 1994. The New Literacy initiative aims to identify the key issues which need addressing at the highest levels to help prepare, enthuse and support teachers and parents in their task of preparing children to be effective communicators in their working and personal lives in the future.

© 1995 Acorn Computer Group plc.