Pocket Book from Acorn Scores Highly in NCET report

Portable, Practical, Versatile & Affordable

Cambridge, UK. 21 November, 1994

Palmtop computers like the Pocket Book from Acorn Computers, the leading supplier of computers to UK schools, have been shown to score highly in all key categories specified in the National Council for Educational Technology's (NCET) Portable Computers Pilot Evaluation Summary. Portability, versatility, cross-curricular value, accessibility and price-performance, major features of the Pocket Book range, are highlighted in the report as key criteria for portables if they are to support, enhance and extend learning significantly in the classroom and in the home.

Peter Talbot, General Manager, UK Education, at Acorn Computers, comments:

"Children are growing up in a world which is increasingly technology-led. If we are to prepare them for life in the 21st century, computers should be a natural and readily available part of the school environment, like any other educational resource. Our own independent research shows that the Pocket Book is an ideal tool to support the National Curriculum and to stimulate and satisfy the natural curiosity of children of all ages and abilities. The results of the NCET report endorse our findings and are further proof that Acorn is bringing the ideal of one computer per child closer to UK schools."
Stuart France, NCET Managing Consultant, said:
"We take it for granted that portable computers are going to come into schools in large numbers over the next five years....The Pocket Book from Acorn has proved to be a most versatile and reliable piece of equipment, particularly when linked to desktop computers. We have had enthusiastic requests for more Pocket Books from schools that were initially very sceptical." (Managing Schools Today, March 1994).


Portability is identified as a key educational issue in the NCET report, with small, light, battery-maintained machines like the Pocket Book preferred to notebooks and low-cost wordprocessors.


The Pocket Book's small size and mains independence also rate highly in practical terms, as it means a pupil's work area is not dominated by the portable, leaving room for other resources and activities. In addition, connectivity to classroom desktops, including Acorn, Apple and IBM-compatible computers, and almost all printers, together with a long battery life, means the Pocket Book is more versatile than the low-cost word-processors and notebooks featured in the report in terms of both practical classroom and field study use.


Individual, hands-on experience is identified as a key issue in determining the full educational benefits portables can offer. To achieve the necessary high ratio of portable computers per pupil, ideally one per child, portables must offer both portability and affordability, like the Pocket Book.

Cross Curricular Value

Both the NCET research findings and Acorn's independent trial sites have demonstrated the Pocket Book's cross-curricular value, with benefits found in each subject area and all age groups. The graphic calculator, spreadsheet and graphing functions offer both teachers and students extensive assistance in maths and science, as does the word processor in English. The Pocket Book's size gives it an extra advantage in the science lab and in the classroom it allows room for folders, books and other materials on pupils' desks.


Extra work motivation and enthusiasm have also been recorded in trials conducted by the NCET and Acorn, as Susan Blake, a language teacher at Lord Grey School, one of the NCET Pocket Book trial sites, comments:
"Students had a sense of responsibility they didn't have before and some low ability pupils, who wouldn't have produced anything at all with pen and paper, produced admirable work."

Price Performance

With prices starting at £169.95, the Pocket Book range offers tremendous value for money compared with laptop and notebook computers. In addition, Pocket Book II's extensive range of built-in applications beats graphic calculators and personal organisers hands down, offering more than the combined functionality of both, with additional data-logging and sensing capabilities available as third party upgrades.

The new Pocket Book II (256k RAM) is priced at £229.74, while the top of the range model (512k RAM) is priced at £280.81. Class Packs of 10 original Pocket Books together with a Pocket Book, a desktop link and mains adaptor are available for £1,699.50. Pocket Book II Class Packs, which comprise 10 Pocket Book II 256k units, a desktop link, mains adapter and parallel printer link are available at £2,297.45. All prices exclude VAT.

Acorn Pocket Books are available from all authorised Acorn education dealers. For details of your local Acorn dealer please call 0223 254222. For a free copy of the Pocket Book research report, call freephone 0800 800480.

Founded in 1978, with 1993 revenues of £54.3m, Acorn Computers is the premier supplier of IT solutions to UK education and has been the leading provider of 32-bit RISC based personal computers since 1987. Acorn works closely with a strong community of industry partners, users and software developers to provide innovative technology solutions for the education, consumer, publishing and international markets.

The Acorn Computer Group is a holding company for Acorn Computers Limited, Acorn Australia, Acorn New Zealand, Acorn GmbH and Online Media. Acorn Computer Group owns 43% of ARM Ltd. Online Media, a division of the Acorn Computer Group, was launched in 1994 with the mission to design world class, interactive multimedia products.

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