Superhighways for Education
The Vision
It is our vision that the UK Education Services on the superhighway must;
- enable all our children to develop the new literacies necessary for life
in a superhighway world.
- support home-school linkage and lifelong learning for work and pleasure.
- enable schools to develop services to serve their own local community.
- enable the best teachers to publish their experiences and teaching
materials for use by others.
- evolve as a partnership between education, business and government.
- use the skills of commerce and education, large and small organisations,
generalists and specialists, to ensure breadth and diversity.
- be world class, using the world's best resources and supplying the world
with the best services.
- develop the role of teachers as guides and mentors, helping learners find
their way.
- provide for exploration, development and trial to determine how content
is moulded into services and how the power of interactive multimedia
techniques is best brought to bear to promote learning.
- move the education research community into a new phase of research based
on active exploration of learning with I.T., alongside practitioners and
- bring diversity and choice, while strengthening delivery of the
entitlement curriculum for all and simplifying organisation of I.T. resources
in schools and homes.
- clarify where responsibilities for educating and learning lie; pupils,
students, parents, schools, teachers, lecturers, Heads and Principals, the
media, industry and government all understanding what their roles must
- be digital, interactive, have distributed 'intelligence' and symmetric
bandwidth, and we strongly advise that it should be based on ATM networking
- be universally accessible across the UK in homes, schools,
colleges/universities and libraries.