Drawing Office Indices

Acorn, being a proper engineering company, put a code number on pretty much everything. The people responsible for this were the 'Drawing Office' and here is a list of the indexes of these numbers. This dates from approximately 1993-1994.

These indexes, whilst not containing the documents themselves, do give interesting clues about Acorn projects that made it to launch as well as those that may not have seen the light of day.

The following linked table is based on the origina text index file.

CodeArchivedFile Title
0201 * Details (0201,001 to 0201,999)
1201 * Acornsoft details (?Discs?)
1301 No List Acornsoft details (?ROMs?)
2201 * Details (2201,001 to 2201,999)
08xx * Old Specifications
09xx * Fault Reports and Old Specifications
Mace * Mace Products
QA Procs * QA Procedures (Q Nos)
Sketch * Sketches

00 * System ? Eurocards
01 No List Details (See 0201 etc)
02 * Atom
03 No List BBC Micro
04 No List Teletext
05 No List Electron
06 No List Atom Disc Pack
07 No List System 5 Eurocards
08 No List 6502 Second Processor
09 No List Z80 Second Processor
10 * Cambribridge Co-Proc (32016)
11 * 6502 Extended (Turbo)
12 * Econet Accessories I
13 No List BBC USA (Fineline)
14 No List BBC ROM Cartridges
15 No List Prestel
16 * Econet Joint
17 No List IEE Interface (subcontract)
18 * 32016 (4 Meg)
19 * Electron Plus 1
20 * ACW
21 * M2105
22 No List BBC German
23 No List BBC USA
24 No List BBC Genlock (AIM)
25 No List Genlock Proc (Subcontract)
26 No List Electron Plus 2
27 * Winchester Disc Drives
28 No List RS423 Cartridge
29 * 80286 Second Processor
30 * Mouse Adaptor
31 * Second Processor Soak Test Jig
32 * Second Processor Power Supply
33 * BBC B+
34 No List Bit Stick (Subcontract)
35 * 68010 Second Proc
36 * Econet Accessories II
37 * Econet Bridge
38 No List Electron Plus 4
39 * Econet Terminator II & Socket Box
40 * Isolated Word Recogniser
41 * Electron Plus 3
42 * ACRTC
43 * Master 128 etc.
44 No List General Econet Interface
45 * Speech Workstation
46 * X25
47 * Supastore
48 * ARM Evaluation System
49 * Software Products (1)
50 No List Music 500
51 * Reuters (APM)
52 * Communicator
53 No List ???
54 * Filestore
55 * Econet Tapestore
56 No List ???
57 * AVC 900
58 * Master Compact
59 * Master Series Accessories
60 * PC ARM, Springboard, Lasercard
61 * BBC AIV Master
62 * MSDOS Econet
63 * 3B2
64 * M24 IV
65 * AVC 128
66 * BBC AIV System
67 * Spectar II
68 * D2
69 * M240 IV
70 Software Products (4)
71 Software Products (6) (Use 84 first)
72 Missions, Policies, Procedures, Standards, Tech Bulletins, Application Notes
73 Expansion Cards
74 * A600 Series
75 * M3 Workstation
76 * A300 Series ( + Expansion Cards)
77 * A440 & R140
78 * M4 Workstation
79 * Software Products (2)
80 * A3000
81 * Software products (3)
82 * Filestore E(xx)S
83 * A400/1 Series (+ Risc OS 2 and Risc iX)
84 Software Products (5)
85 * Squirrel
86 * A540/R225/R260
87 * X-Terminal
88 * MEMC2 Test Platform {A3M Tech}
89 * International A3000
90 Acorn A4
91 Peripheral {Monitors etc}
92 A5000
93 Mini-Projects
94 A3010/A3020/A4000
96 RISC OS 3
97 Medusa