
Archived files on 4corn

4corn holds many resources related to Acorn Computers.

Rom Images for Emulators

Operating System files for use with Arculator, Red Squirrel, Arcem, Archie and RPCEmu. Contains all major releases from 1987-1998.

Archive of Acorn's FTP site

A mirror of Acorn Computers' FTP site from 1998. Includes support files for most versions of the OS. Default Hard disc contents, documentation, the 'Universal' boot and many other releases.

Micheal Gilbert's Archiology

Mirror of Micheal Gilbert's excellent Archiology site. With OS support discs, dealer support and registered developer discs.

Archive of Acorn's Registered Developers FTP site

A mirror of FTP site for registered developers from September 1998. Read this article for more details as to what is there.

10 out of 10 Software disk images

A selection of 10 out of 10 Software's emulation titles in .ADF format.


Material and disc images related to RISC iX, Acorn's UNIX. Read the article for more information.

Some more Acorn branded software

Acorn's software on CDROM

  • .iso images of Acorn's software on CDROM

Miscellaneous Documents

  • Scans including manuals and ephemera.

Publicity Photos

  • Photos of Acorn products.

Acorn Logos

  • Logos in electronic format.

Acorn Print Adverts

  • Adverts from newspapers.

Acorn Job Adverts

  • Job adverts from national newspapers.

Advertising Brochures

  • Leaflets and other documents from Acorn.

Circuit Diagrams

  • Acorn computer and peripheral circuit and assemble diagrams..

Drawing Office Index

  • Code numbers for most Acorn parts.

Latest News Latest news

14-12-2023 Additional ports of Risc Ix Software

21-06-2021 6 more manuals added to Miscellaneous Documents

22-11-2020 Drawing Office Index, code numbers for most Acorn parts

03-10-2020 Build the BBC MOS 1.20 from original source and !65Host too

04-06-2020 Building GCC to cross compile for the BBC Micro

11-09-2018 22 more brochures added to Leaflets/Brochures

28-07-2017 38 Circuit diagrams added

03-03-2017 550 scans of 1980s Show Flyers and Brochures online