Acorn RISC iX software

New software for RISC iX

These are additional ports of software for RISC iX 1.2, I have not necessarily chosen the latest versions of them as often the older versions have better support for old UNIXs such as RISC iX.

To install:

  • Download the package and copy to the risc ix machine
  • Decompress the package uncompress packagename.tar.Z
  • Extract the package tar xvf packagename.tar
  • This will install the files to the relevant location on the machine, usually /usr/bin

pico 4.10

Pico is a simple terminal text editor, ideally suited to those who find vi hard work.

lua 5.3.3

lua is a simple interpretted programming language.

angband 2.7.9v6

Angband is a 'rogue-like' dungeon crawler game that uses ascii characters for graphics. This version is compiled up to work in the console and as an X Windows app.

Note: This version does not instll to the system /usr/bin and should be uncompressed and run from your user directory for example.